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Before, During, and After Tryouts

Before, During, and After Tryouts

Prior to Tryouts

  1. All players are asked to complete the online registration form to register for tryouts.
  2. Get out and touch the ball: 15 minutes a day can yield over 1,000 touches...that's 7,000 touches per week!!


  1. Arrive at the field no later than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
  2. Every player must attend at least one of the two scheduled tryout sessions.
  3. Give your best effort...that's all we can ask!

After Tryouts

  1. After the final tryout, the coaches and evaluators will meet to create rosters.
  2. The rosters will be presented to the Director of Travel and the Travel Committee and then presented to the Board of Directors for approval.
  3. As soon as the rosters are approved, the head coach from that age group will contact each player who tried out. Players will be informed no later than one week after the last tryout.