Boys tryouts #1- Monday 4/15
Boys tryouts #2 - Wednesday 4/17
Girls tryouts #1 - Tuesday 4/16
Girls tryouts #2 - Thursday 4/18
Location: Layfield Park
157 Garnett Drive Gilbertsville, PA 19525
Times: 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
All participants must bring the following to each tryout:
Note: Players are asked to not wear a travel soccer jersey to tryouts. The tryout process is independent and non-biased, so this policy will help enforce that. Thank you for your help with this.
Often times, players and parents want to know what a coach is looking for in a player. It is difficult to truly see all that a player has to offer in just two or three sessions. However, the tryouts will be structured in a way to allow all participants a chance to showcase their talents. Here is a quick explanation of each criterion:
Technical Ability
Technical skills: passing, dribbling, shooting, first touch, defending, etc.
Athletic Ability
Speed, quickness, agility, strength, body control, etc.
Tactical skills: positioning, communication, decisions on and off the ball, etc.
Attitude/Work Ethic
We are looking for players who exhibit a positive attitude, take coaching points well, show good sportsmanship, and have an overall desire to improve as players.