2024 Tryouts

2024 Tryouts

Boys tryouts #1- Monday 4/15

Boys tryouts #2  - Wednesday 4/17

Girls tryouts #1 -  Tuesday 4/16

Girls tryouts #2 -  Thursday 4/18

Location: Layfield Park
157 Garnett Drive Gilbertsville, PA 19525

Times: 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.



All players who are interested in trying out for a travel team will need to complete the online registration form. Tryout registration and attendance for a BSC travel team is free!



Thank you for your interest in the Boyertown Soccer Club Travel Soccer Program.

Travel Tryout registration for the 2023-2024 is now OPEN.  Please click the link below and follow us on Facebook for up to date information regarding the 2023-2024 season.

 If you have any interest or any questions about Travel Soccer please contact our Travel Director David D’Aiello at travelvp@boyertownsoccerclub.net



Other Required Items When Attending Tryouts

Other Required Items When Attending Tryouts

All participants must bring the following to each tryout:

  1. Shin guards (covered by soccer socks)
  2. Cleats or other acceptable footwear
  3. Soccer ball
  4. Water or drinks

Note: Players are asked to not wear a travel soccer jersey to tryouts. The tryout process is independent and non-biased, so this policy will help enforce that. Thank you for your help with this.


Before, During, and After Tryouts

Before, During, and After Tryouts

Prior to Tryouts

  1. All players are asked to complete the online registration form to register for tryouts.
  2. Get out and touch the ball: 15 minutes a day can yield over 1,000 touches...that's 7,000 touches per week!!


  1. Arrive at the field no later than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
  2. Every player must attend at least one of the two scheduled tryout sessions.
  3. Give your best effort...that's all we can ask!

After Tryouts

  1. After the final tryout, the coaches and evaluators will meet to create rosters.
  2. The rosters will be presented to the Director of Travel and the Travel Committee and then presented to the Board of Directors for approval.
  3. As soon as the rosters are approved, the head coach from that age group will contact each player who tried out. Players will be informed no later than one week after the last tryout.


What Coaches are Looking For

What Coaches are Looking For

Often times, players and parents want to know what a coach is looking for in a player. It is difficult to truly see all that a player has to offer in just two or three sessions. However, the tryouts will be structured in a way to allow all participants a chance to showcase their talents. Here is a quick explanation of each criterion:

Technical Ability
Technical skills: passing, dribbling, shooting, first touch, defending, etc.

Athletic Ability
Speed, quickness, agility, strength, body control, etc.

Tactical skills: positioning, communication, decisions on and off the ball, etc.

Attitude/Work Ethic
We are looking for players who exhibit a positive attitude, take coaching points well, show good sportsmanship, and have an overall desire to improve as players.